Does your business have an IT Strategy or is it being ‘led’ by either  ‘Brand leaders’ or ‘Paper Planes’?

Redgic working at Board Level helps organisations to understand how to build, maintain and deliver IT strategy. Systems either ‘stagnate’ or evolve without any underlying understanding of its impact, cost, risk and requirements to support. Leeming like stratgies may not fit best your need to stand out from the crowd. 

Its a complex, fragmented and complicated sector drive too often by FUD – (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt). Create clarity through Strategy, and if your Strategy is a bit cloudy these days, then wait until the FUD clears.

Over 45 years building, deploying, maintaining, migrating, reporting, and managing Financial systems for all types of business, professions and organisations. Always aware of what is possible and increasingly aware of the need to automate. The basics of finacial systems have not changed at all. Within most organsiations there are today far too many disconnected data silo’s, created with best intention, but in practical terms, are now costing money. As radical as was the first spreadsheet (Viiscalc circa 1979) what we need today is a new radical to remove the cost, duplication, complexity, data risk, and data dispersion.

Can you imagine running a business without a spreadsheet?

Redgic’s digital architrecture builds important bridges between Operations, Finance and Business ownership.  Driving quality and data security, Health & Safety, Automation, Near real-time information anywhere and on any device. Redgic designs, builds, deploys and supports Operational systems.

Redgic understands the importance of Excellent Induction, Training, Refresher Training and investment in human resources. Usually, to achieve a single system Companies have to work across many different relationships, each with its own cost, agenda, and approach. Connecting Commercial, Operational, and Business KPI’s to deliver manageable, affordable, and useful information on ONE platform is a challenge. Redgic’s approach makes this possible, without expensive migrations and where possible, without expensive change management. 

As we approach the AI phase in our evolution use it to help achieve the T’s2D’s stratgey. 

Information is a by-product of doing something. Having that information captured, processed and made visible at source is essential. Redgic’s core platforms are the easiest, most cost effective and flexible approach in today’s market. Redgic resources are qualified analysist and developers on major BI platforms across the world. Placing data on BI and from disparate sources is essential to ensure over use of personal data held in unmanaged areas and applications.  We know how information is ‘power’, we understand that change is often see as a threat, and we are able to prove that Data Automation is a KEY to the future. 

HAB IT is our biggest competitor!

HABIT is an anchor to progress. Technology moves forward but systems and users generally lag behind developments because it is just too painful and costly to ‘chase the next wave’. New businesses adopt as a start today’s technology (or they should), and as a consequence will be better placed to grow better business. Where sectors have capital cost and quality standards as barriers to entry e.g. Engineering / Manufacturing etc. change and adoption is much slower. In some cases almost none existent. 

Redgic is a catalyst for change and has over the years introduced many firsts…

Defining beneficial change is a huge task, delivery even bigger, and ensuring system decay and dilution do not occur are long term issues demanding long term commitment to your goals.

These are unlikely to be achieved through third parties, each with its own ‘agenda’, vision, objectives and costs.

SEAMLESS MIGRATION IS KEY.  Contact to discuss and plan, train and test before impacting live systems.


One thing we can guarantee in all systems is that data is generated from multiple sources.

Pulling disparate data together can be a huge task. Redgic has the experience, skills and tools to generate singularity of data from disparate sources for sharing, analysis and extrapolation.  Data needs to be secure, encrypted, safe, and reliable. Spreading data through email, on personal spreadsheets, without centralised control must be reduced and even avoided (HAB IT issues). 

Redgic’s resources manage small, medium and corporate data warehouses combining online and onsite data. 

Migration management is all about data. Redgic’s migration services are the keystone to progressive change.

Redgic is a Partner with Cybersmart. Cybersmart helps SME’s comply to and maintain compliance with digital security best practice. The risks to an ‘attack’ are sometimes over stated. FUD – Fear, Uncertainity, and Doubt drive security product purchases, yet, too often, it is your workforce that are the greatest risk to data security – The Human Firewall. CE and CE+ are important standards to prove awareness and management of digital security risks. Monitoring, managing, training, and testing are important services to ensure your information is secure and that your organisation is ‘safe’ to work with.

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